Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Broodings #1

Its been quite some time, i've peeked inside of what i'm upto lately ?? heh, albeit this may sound weird, it is the unspoken truth. Inspite of things falling in right direction, i'm not happy with the work, especially when i sense chaos all around. Its a real blessing in disguise that i've ended up with a task master above me, yikes, otherwise it would've been a destiny-black-hole for the whole-team.

I'm looking forward for the day when i'm free from the shackles of materialistic, mundane chores and end up somewhere in the far-end-of-nature totally dwelled deep-inside the time-and-space matter. Its not quite easy, but the fruit and the enjoyment is far better than million materialistic comforts. The pace in which i've went for that journey in the past sounded very promising, till my guru caught me at the right moment, ordering me to continue and complete *what i'm destined to*, after which i'll be initiated into the nother-world-matter. I miss the everyday-excercise, but its not going to be smooth without a mentor, especially the higher-level- journeys which can be quite turbulent for inexperienced souls like me. Technology,
material things sound sweet but only for a finite time, after which "whats the next ?". The truth is simple, i've grown up in a very traditional manner, especially keeping away from the modernistic behaviour, being a odd man out. Mulling on this for sometime, i ended up with the ultimatum, the plan decided for me is not the usual, but a little varied. How and what is another thing, which i cannot come up with clearly, but its visible very vaguely and i can feel the subtle things around me from time-to-time. Understanding and observing things around me is something i'm doing keenly. The order of nature is quite puzzling. It keeps sending messages in
every possible way tho' none of them are decipherable to me. Either i lack the skill else i've to start paying more attention.

Will jot 'nother day.
